
Seed Bank &
Exchange System

Inception meeting

This was organized in march and attended by different stakeholders from UNHCR, OPM,RWCIII,NGOs and CBOs inside the UNHCR-NAKIVALE BOARDROOM with the major objective to;

  1. Orient project stakeholders about the project processes, procedures and methods
  2. Map partners’ services for future referrals
  3. Introduce the project team to the stakeholders
Training of the project team and the project local structures (Village Agricultural Committees, VACs)

Project team training was attended by the 9 employees of the organization specifically explain the project context, for the VACs training, this was specifically a capacity building training to with the purpose of reinforcing the beneficiaries selection process, ease monitoring and evaluation as well as build a more organized beneficiaries committees.

Seeds distribution

During our first phase of distribution, up to 7 tons and 2.5 tons of quality bean seeds and maize seeds respectively were given to 305 identified and selected vulnerable refugee households each 23kg of bean seeds and 8kg of maize seeds which will be paid back after they harvested and we redistribute to another group of beneficiaries.


(a) Learn as you earn program
  • This program aims at teaching the small scale farmers the best approaches of cultivating vegetable crops as the alternative source of the farmers to earn extra money to meet their basic needs and prevent malnutrion in the community.
  • It also aims at providing extra money to the target groups of local population as they carryout relevant activities in the demo-gardens e.g. potting, ploughing, planting, weeding, watering, protecting etc.
(b) Promote social cohesion and peaceful coexistence

The demonstration gardens also recruit individuals from various ethnicities, race, age, social group, gender or physical status. By doing so, people always feel free to share experience, life stories and creates friendship


Setting beds and planting over 40,000 trees

Currently we are setting the beds and have begun planting the fruit trees targeting up to 40,000 trees of 4 varieties (10,000 tomato trees, 10,000 jackfruits, 10,000 guavas and 10,000 pawpaw) to be transplanted and given to the beneficiaries when ready with the objective of promoting agroforestry, fight deficiency diseases, increase family incomes and fight global warming in the long run.

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